
By KathyH58

Dec 21

I think I finally found the elusive redhead duck this morning. There had been reports over the past couple of days that there was still one around at a local lake. I was headed to the valley today and only needed a short detour to get to the lake. There were lots of ring necked ducks and at first I thought it was one of the females, but I thought the color of the head was wrong. I took a few photos, hoping one would be clear enough on the computer to ID it. Once I put the photos on my computer I could see that it is the redhead.
When I went to the valley today I had a nice walk at Miners Marsh. The chickadees and sparrows were busy, there were some ducks in the pond which finally has some water in it again. There were at least 3 cardinals around, but they didn't want to come out of hiding to get their photo taken. I also saw a mockingbird, but again, it stayed behind some twigs so it was hard to get a good photo.
It's going to be an interesting morning tomorrow, doing a gift card reline at a major grocery store, 3 days before Christmas, and on a Thursday, which is when their sales start.

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