Silly Santa

One of the couriers dropping off parcels today was dressed as Santa, a very unusual Santa!!   I just happened to have my phone on me and asked if I could take a shot and he was happy to oblige ; ). I said I was going to put it up on the internet and he seemed to like the idea haha!!

Well thats work done and dusted for another year, I was so glad to wave the last customer goodbye and breathe a sigh of relief ahhhhhhhhhhHH!!!!

Julian is coming in the morning to stay for a couple of days which is going to be a lot of fun ; ).  We are heading out for dinner tomorrow night for a Xmas Eve celebration.  We thought about trying somewhere new but have all decided we love our favourite Italian restaurant and it just wouldnt  be the same if we didn't go there ; )

Catch up tomorrow night late, hope you’re all ready for Xmas!!  ; )xxxx

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