I am ever so fortunate to have a neighbor who LOVES to blow snow with his new tractor. In fact, given my cardiac issues, he has forbidden me to shovel any heavy drifted snow....anyway, it would spoil all his fun if I beat him to it.
Thanks to the high wind the past two days (and it's still blowing) I had a couple of waist high snow drifts blocking the side of the garage so he's cutting them down to size for me.  Tomorrow, when the wind subsides and the temperature is expected to be above 0°F. for the first time in 3 days, I'll get around to cleaning up the details.
Have I mentioned in the past how good it is to have the best neighbor in the world?  Other than Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Good Health, I wish that all my Blip friends were fortunate to have a neighbor such as mine.  
We're brothers from different mothers. Half my tools live in his garage and vise versa. We've lived next door to each other for 46 years; his wife is a former student of mine; I had all four of his sons as students; I've photographed all their weddings and all their kids.....and there's never been a cross word uttered between us. He's just the best.
Best seen in Large.

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