By lizzie_birkett

Little Dancer

Isn’t she sweet! Thank you Sal!
I had a lazy day today and managed to write 2 poems.
I now know I won’t make my 365 poems but I’m OK with that, there have been too many disruptions and interruptions with one thing and another.
I have written 323 though and I’m still at it! I enjoy doing it when I have peace and quiet, say if I’m on my own at home or on a bus or a train.
The worst bit will be reviewing them all and editing because they are far from perfect and nowhere near finished till I’ve done that.

Snow Day

We walked in the pine woods
do you remember that day?
the grey sky was tinged with pink
and I said - snow must be on its way.

Lo and behold we hadn’t gone far
when the first flakes floated down
and soon there was a flurry and
the snow covered the ground.

We made snowballs and chased
each other, hiding behind the trees
until we bent over breathless
I treasure memories such as these.


Wet Christmas!

No white Christmas this year
it eluded us once more. 
We like to tell our children
of snow drifts up the door

I too have such tales to tell
of my own childhood snow days
or when my children were young
and I’d pull them on the sleigh

Such magical snowy Winters
are now few and far between,
throughout these cold months
the fields are muddy and green

But I still have my memories
of rosy cheeks and chilblains,
when full of joy we made our way
down the snowy winter lanes.

I love the snow and was disappointed - yet again - not to have a white Christmas!

An early night tonight, Goodnight ;-)X

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