
We went for a wander along the front at New Brighton today and the new Everton football ground on the other side of the Mersey is developing quickly. I think it will look spectacular when it is completed especially at night. This looks much better large. As an extra I have blipped a herring gull which is bird 117 for the year.

As it is the final blip of 2022 I thought I would do my annual blip statistical summary.

Bird blips - 88 main blips of which 68 were different. I also included 49 different ones as extras taking the number of different birds blipped to 117. I photographed another 17 birds which I never blipped at all (including some common ones) so in total I photographed 134 different birds this year.

Football - 46 
Canals and Rivers - 18 (includes some of the 18 bridges featured)
Books - 13 (big increase)
Butterflies - 10 
Geocaching - 4 (big drop)

kwdiane featured in 4 but I only had 1 selfie

76 were taken at home and another 21 within a mile of home which is a big drop on last year but reflects the end of lockdown. 
29 taken at RSPB Burton
25 taken at Chester FC

Album of the Day - Squeezing Out Sparks - Graham Parker (1979)

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