Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Fiery Sky

Nice sky this morning. Better larger.

I finished "Salt, Sugar, Fat" today. Horrifying book - and I don't think that's being hyperbolic at all. It's really awful what goes into processed food - and how deliberately, greedily, and cynically the food industry uses those three extraordinarily powerful tools to - as they themselves exhort: "drive consumption!" I highly recommend you get and read it.

Really though, with food, I think the writer of the Barefoot in Arizona blog had it about about right when he argued that deep down we all know what we should be eating, and what we should be doing. If we're honest with ourselves, we know what foods are good for us, and we know what aren't. No-one - even people who drink endless bottles of Coke - actually thinks it's good food. Everyone - even people who don't eat fruit and veg - knows that fruit and veg is good food. It really isn't rocket science.

Caveat of course for the effects of generations of bad processed eating, and those people who really truly don't know any other sort of food. :-(

I've just bought Michael Pollan's "Food Rules", which has magically become available here (it wasn't when I looked a few months back; stupid damn licensing codswallop).

Anyhoo. Gotta go wrangle some chilluns. Must remind myself: it is A. Good. Thing. that they have no innate deference to authority. Good thing. Good thing. Good th...

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