
By Ingeborg

RSS Discovery

Would you believe that today started with showers of wet snow? We've lived in Scotland for 6 years so we do know about Scottish weather, and today was a 'great' example of it. Showers followed by magnificent clouds and blue skies to be followed by more showers. No problem at all, but not your regular holiday weather.
We decided to bring Mau home to Dundee by car, which gave me the chance to do some more shooting landscapes from a driving car :-)

This is the RSS Discovery, berthed in Dundee and a landmark and sightseeing place there, to be recommended to visit. Imagine being stuck in the ice for two winters in that boat at the Antarctic. More about the ship and its mission here

We've said bye to Mau, he'll submit his final project report this week and will do his final maths exam next week and then he'll graduate in July, fingers crossed :-)

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