If In Doubt, Blip A Fungus

A mixed bag of weather today - strong winds, rain, sun, blue sky, and a rainbow!! At least I picked a dry hour to get out for a walk.

Once again the little wood near us has delivered some lovely fungi to blip…a couple more in extras. They all look a little bit damaged - knocked or chewed…and the main ones are covered in bits of soil / leaf litter.

Finally got a chance to sit down to read / look at photos from the book I got for Christmas - it is “Still Time To Wonder” by the photographer Joe Cornish. He had access to Fountains Abbey / Studley Royal before, during and after the pandemic lockdowns…so has produced some glorious photos in and around the park / abbey…and the bonus is he was able to photograph the place with no visitors in shots. The photos are also on display at the Abbey - some the prints are massive!

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