Her Opa

'You are MY gramps so that's what I'll call you!'
Nani's words.
For AW, this is heaven.  It can't get any better than this.
She even baked him some cookies, which she decorated herself.  See extra!

DIL Rani's birthday today, which was a good reason to visit.
Unfortunately, we have just heard that Daughter Sassy and SIL Moose are separating.  They're not married, but they were a couple for 25 years just the same.  I know, we know, these things happen.  Moose wants to stay in touch with AW.  AW told him he'll always be welcome, no matter what.  I feel the same.  Sassy and AW... that's an entirely different story.  We've learned not to say anything about it.  What I do know is that if issues are never sorted out, they will never be resolved.  Sassy doesn't believe there's anything to discuss or resolve.  Okay, fine.  Not our call.  Always been that way, we are used to it.

I think I'll be doing some genealogy tonight.  Feels like I'm in the mood for it.

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