
I've never been particularly bothered about cacti, although I seem to remember that members of my family (my brother?) were keen on them back in the day. That is 50+ years ago that we are talking about.... Anyway, I've been thinking since August about the challenge of having some houseplants here which will withstand neglect and deal with the cold when we are not here (and the damp in the bathroom...), and I've come up with a number of solutions, most recently a brass bowl with some cacti and the odd succulent in it. It seems to be doing ok, but every time we eat on the dining room table I have to move it off there. I've also introduced a spider plant cutting on the basis that they are almost impossible to kill. There are some ferns in the bathroom which have already survived since early November so they seem to be doing ok even though the bathroom is consistently cold as well as rather poorly ventilated. Finally, I have some other succulents and a couple of snake plants. Only time will tell which ones really thrive in this slightly tricky environment.

As the gym had reopened it would have been rude not to take advantage of it. It does seem pretty quiet up there. I'm wondering about potentially trying the odd class when we are here and they are on again. Let's see.

Otherwise, I plodded on with my work. And counted down the days left in my Highland hideaway.

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