
By dunkyc

Happy to announce...

I was blessed with another quiet day at work, so pottered around and got some small jobs done before hitting the links at the end of the day.

With a few moments to spare during the day, I thought I would check LinkedIn and had to laugh as my feed consisted solely of people “Happy to announce that that they were starting a new role at suchandsuch…” We are an odd species to pick an arbitrary day in the calendar to decide that that is the point from which we will start ringing the changes.

Are we alone in this or do other animals out there do the same thing? Somewhere in the UK woodlands as the clock ticked over to 00.01 on the 1st January, was there a fox who had been patiently waiting since September to announce that they were going to give veganism a go?

And yes, given my second self-involved end of year review, I’m aware of my own hypocrisy, but the thought process behind “I’ll start making some changes in January” is lunacy!

I’m happy to announce that I will be continuing on my stratospheric career flight path to curmudgeonly father/insurance veteran. 

In some weird, messed-up way, it seems to have served me well so far!

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