Two Four A Pair

Watching the birds in our garden today, a dull day so not great for photography.

I noticed this pair of Collared Doves pecking around and obviously 'together'

But then I noticed another pair on a neighbour's power lines. Really happy to see we have two pairs, made my day.

Busy with the ongoing task of downsizing, since the move to the bungalow. Our shed is heaving with photographs, documents and general bric a brac. Much needs to be done to free up the space and turn it back to the pleasant garden room it once was.

And after a walk with Hollie in which we got very cold and very wet, Mrs I and I went to the pub for a great night of food and friendly fun. Such a great atmosphere, certainly lifted our spirits!

I have put up a high voltage electric fence around our garden to keep out wild animals. Our neighbour was dead against it...

And in other news I wanted to tell you about a woman in the village who only eats plants...

But I expect you've herbivore? 

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