Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Parking Lot Angel with Masala Dosa

Bella came to me for Baba time this evening, and we got Indian take-outs: masala dosa and a wonderful chili-laced sambar soup, good to warm you up on a cold January night. She's in the drama club at school, and her job is painting the sets. She loves being behind the scenes. "I don't have to memorize lines, I don't have to go out on stage and have all those people watching me and judging me. It's perfect. Next time I hope I get to do costumes like my mom, and maybe one day I'll do sound like my dad, but I'm never going out on the stage like you did. That's just not me!" 

I love her wisdom. To know what you don't want to do is priceless. If I had it to do over again, knowing what I know now, I'd be back stage also. I'm glad she is a third-generation theatre person and has the benefit of all our mistakes.

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