TT350 - Running

Whew! What a busy morning!

Yesterday I had to apply some high temprature silicone to the cam cover on the TT. It cured overnight and this morning I put the fuel tank on, connected it up and started the bike. No oil leaks. Yaaaay!

After that I put all the peripheral bits on like the seat and side covers and bolted them all down. Project finished. Bike sold. I took it for a quick burn down the driveway and then did a quick burnout. I couldn't help myself. Next week it will go off to its new owner, my good mate Ken. So it won't be the last I see of it. The bike will be on Kens farm for me to ride whenever we are up there.

All that done and I am a bit sad to see it go.

I also managed to find time to go for a quick ride on Scooby the scooter. The tyres desperately needed pumping up and I couldn't find a garage pump that would fit into the small wheel. Solution? I went to the local air fittings shop and bought some bits and made my own which works perfectly. SOmetimes you just have to do things yourself.

Soon I will be off to work and it is not looking like it will be a good day. Last night I was asked to operate the impression cylinder which is a very dangerous machine. The kind that would rip your hand off then suck the rest of you through the gears. It isn't in my job description to operate it and besides, I haven't been trained. I argued the point with my boss, voiced my displeasure but eventually gave in after telling him I would only observe and stop it at the end of each run. The printers can set it up and start the new runs.

Well, I broke it! A 60 year old Heidelberg cylinder press and I broke it. Apparently what happened was a chunk of paper got causght in the gears. This lifted the cutting form just enough for it to punch through the plate and even leave an impression on the cylinder itself.

That's what you get for putting untrained staff on a machine like that. Rather the machine broke than me though!

It will be interesting at work today.

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