Adam's Images

By ajt


Took the fluffy one to the hippodrome twice today - he had a great time. Today's back blip is a collection of cranes that are visible  at the corner behind the hippodrome. The closest is in the grounds of the hippodrome where they are building a block of flats where the stables used to be. the one behind it looks small because it's sitting at the base of a big hole. The one to the far right is the block of flats that's directly opposite the ones going into the corner plit, and the one behind that is where another block of flats is nearly completed.

Only a few years ago there used to be sweet little cottages here with narrow strip rear gardens which were lived in by locals. Once all these flats are all competed, there will just be ugly multi-story concrete flat blocks for Parisians to use as holiday homes or airbnb rentals.

I'm not saying that the cottages shouldn't have been taken down - it's possible they were impossible to upgrade and were small and damp, but low quality concrete rental blocks aren't the appropriate replacement. I'm also not against some holiday homes and some rentals, it's just that all we seem to be getting is holiday homes, and always in ugly concrete with basically no insulation.

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