Dr Jones

By jones

A very rainy day

I didn’t sleep so well last night - I think I was unable to sleep until I knew that penny had landed in Calgary. I saw at midnight that she had landed. I work up at 9.15am and Ben brought me a cup of tea in bed. The weather was awful - heavy rain showers so we decided to stay in bed. Bibi called at 10.45 to say that she was outside and could we please let her in. I don’t normally stay in bed this late so she was surprised when I told her that I was still in bed. I put my running clothes on but when I got downstairs it started raining heavily again so I decided to have my breakfast and give my morning run a miss. Penny FaceTimed - she’d been up since 4,30am. It rained for ages but when it finally stopped, I decided to go for my 5k run. I stopped in Lidl on the way back to but 2 pastel de nada. I should have given Lidl a miss and come straight home because it started to rain heavily again and I got soaked. Later on Ben and I played scrabble - I won. Bibi was home in time for dinner but left soon after to go to a pub quiz in Tooting.

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