I juiced up a load of ginger and pink grapefruit (from Júlia & Toni's garden) to make a new batch of health shots - this is the only pic I took today, taken to show my folks the lovely colour of the shots. Asha made herself a grapefruit, apple and carrot juice and felt very pleased with herself!
Danny was meant to be home late tonight but unfortunately missed plane 2 out of 3 after plane 1 was delayed leaving the UK... No flights available tonight, so he's in Alicante and will fly back to Ibiza tomorrow via Palma. The trouble with living on a small island in the winter is that it's a pain getting to and from it!! The kids were disappointed.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A chilled morning of Lego. We were recreating our camping evening. I actually just heard the couple were moved on by armed police after we left! Crazy.
2) Danny being safe and OK despite not home.
3) Asha being a real help today.

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