It’s been one of those days...

Finally had chance to get out for a walk with a friend this morning, but she had to cancel (as her mother in law died at the weekend). So instead I decided to take the bus into Bath, but the friend who was coming to sit with Dad was late arriving (as she’d shut her fingers in the car boot) so I missed the bus. So instead I decided to go out for a walk, but it started to rain, so just went for a damp 20mins walk round the block, passing these catkins.

Back home I finalised complicated transport arrangements for two appointments for Dad, then tried to make two medical appointments for myself. At the surgery the only one appointment they had free within the next four weeks was the same date as Dad’s hospital appointment, and the only emergency optician appointment they had between now and March clashed with Dad’s second appointment! Back to the drawing board tomorrow. 

Tried to pay a bill over the phone, was told I was in queue position 46. Waited an hour and tried again, queue position 71! At that point gave up, and sat down with choccie biccies and caught up on some comfort tele. It really has been one of those days...

Thank you so much for all your kind comments, stars and hearts for my Sparrowhawk, reading them was the best part of my day.

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