Our visitor was due to leave today so we were all in bed long before normal last night as he had to catch an early bus to London at silly o’clock.  At 3.33 a.m.  I woke up and decided that having woken up every hour on the hour until then, I  might just as well get up, which I did and the other weren’t long after me.  I spent the time catching up with Blip comments, so the time wasn’t wasted.

We said our “Goodbyes” and Mr.  HCB took the visitor off in the pouring rain.  As our house backs onto the roundabout, I ran - well walked as fast as I could - upstairs, turned the light on, pulled back our bedroom curtains and waited until I thought I saw them coming and then waved like a mad woman, hoping that they could see me.  Actually, I think I waved to about four cars before ours came into view - I’m surprised the Police didn’t turn up at the door, asking if a slightly loopy lady lived here.  When he got home, Mr. HCB said they had seen me!

I was due to go to our Church this morning as I am part of the Team that is helping to teach English to those whose first language  is not English and we had a very good morning with 7 people and they all seemed to enjoy it.  After washing up, I went downstairs and was looking for something to Blip - and came across this - I wonder if anyone can tell what it is?  As I said in my title, this shot is completely un-fartnarkled, which as you know, is very unusual for me - but read on to find out what it is.

In the foyer there were two bowls catching the drips from the very tall windows above and as I stood looking at the reflection - and hooray, I did find out what the subject was today (!) - a drip dropped into the bowl and made this pattern.  I was standing there for sometime, and when Alison, who had also been helping with the class passed me, I think she was rather intrigued as to why anyone in their right mind would be taking a photograph of water in the bottom of a washing up bowl!  I did explain about Blip to her and said that for Abstract Thursday this week, the subject was “Reflections” and this fitted the bill perfectly.  The reflection on the top left is of the window bars in the collected water - and there might even be some pareidolia in there, so job done!

I have put in an extra showing the gloves I had started yesterday - what a good job I knitted them as I did, because when I got to the part just above the thumb, the wool ran out.  However, I had some sparkly pink wool and was able to finish them off with this, which doesn’t look too bad and I hope that the recipient likes them when I take them to Church on Sunday.  You might think they look a bit odd, and indeed they are, because the wool knits up as if it were fair isle and you can never tell quite how it’s going to look.  I have tried matching them in the past, but have never quite managed it, but I can safely say that no-one else in the whole wide world will have a pair of fingerless gloves like these!

“Even one small drop can make 
     a ripple in the water 
          and one small decision 
               can affect your life 
in the simplest way.”

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