Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Contortionist Blipper

I have one Bills t-shirt and it has the name and number of Matt Milano (photos). I think he’s the best looking guy on the team. Italian, too. What do you think? Today he was announced as an All Pro.

This was my attempt at trying to get a photo of my back without the letters being backwards. I can’t tell you how long it took me to get this one, best of the bunch. Most looked like the extras.

I may have overextended myself a bit today. Not only did I play contortionist in my bathroom, I went out for breakfast, picked up another script, got a haircut and dropped something off at UPS. Whilst doing 3 loads of laundry, I straightened the kitchen, cleaned the appliances, organized my 11x14 portfolio, including signing every photograph, then watched a few episodes of “Wednesday” on Netflix. I’m really enjoying it.

Ended the day with writing this and doing a nebulizer treatment. The plan, now that it’s 1:45 is to get to bed and up before the playoff game begins at 11:00.

Go Bills!

It’s a law that Bills fans end every letter, email, text and conversation during the season with “Go Bills.” It’s the Western New York equivalent of aloha or cheers. :D

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