The Crooked House

This is the Bell pub in Molesey, the building originates form the 15th century when it was an inn and it has been ever since. Known locally as the crooked house due to the very crooked windows! In the 17C a notorious highwayman Claude Duval reputedly hid here from the Bow Street runners. Having looked up Duval I find that he was born in France and when in England specialised in robbing stage coaches. Apparently he dressed like a gentleman and only robbed well off gentlemen. Legend has it that he didn’t like violence and was courteous to his victims! However eventually he was caught, tried and executed at Tyburn. He was apparently the inspiration for a romantic highwayman in some novels of the time eg Dick Turpin.

We met friends at the pub ( now a Greene King pub) and had a nice lunch. It was very busy all the time we were there so is obviously doing well. Lots of people also seemed to be coming to watch the football on the TVs in the bar.

I had to get rid of my poinsettias today but on a positive note both my amaryllis bulbs now have signs of life.

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