*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Peaceful sunset stroll

Had a frustrating morning. Is there any wonder people increasingly self-prescribe and become addicted to medications, or take things that interact and make themselves poorly?

I've got to have some dental treatment next week and anything medical causes me huge anxiety so had a telephone appointment with a doctor for some diazepam (they only prescribe 6 at a time so no chance of addiction), was told that they can't do it, that it has to be the dentist who prescribes it. Went straight through to my dentist and they said the rules have recently changed and they can't prescribe it anymore and it has to be from my GP. So had to phone the medical centre again for a second telephone appointment.

Once again I was made to feel like I'm the only person in the world that this has happened to and no one else has ever requested Valium for dental treatment. Which I know is b*ll*cks. And it's a prime example of how privatising dental health care doesn't work - as clearly there is sod all communication between them (Bupa) and the NHS.

Getting any sort of help or support is so exhausting and anxiety-provoking these days. Ugh. 5 phone calls later, and a whole morning of waiting for the phone to ring I managed to get 6 Valium tablets... wow.

Rant over ;-)

Went for a nice stroll at sunset to defrazzle my brain, saw a heron and a cormorant on the river which made me feel very peaceful and happy.

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