Hanging Garden

Sun! Blue sky! All day! As soon as our Pilates class was over we hit the trail with Spike.We had almost forgotten what it looked like with the sun shining. The new growth glistened with water droplets, and where it grew on the cutbanks on either side of the road. I decided I would take a random series of pictures focused on different  2in./5centimeter areas to see what I would get. There was a surprising number of choices but I settled on the downward flow of this Hart's Tongue Thyme Moss with lots of other little things coming up around it.

There were several groups of first or second grader arriving at the environmental center on school busses and a couple of small groups walked up the trail behind us, peeling off at the newt pond. Because of the newts, we hustled Spike past the lure of the water and left it to the kids' cries of, "here's one, here's one!" There are tons of them in what was a dry bed of sedge grass a month ago. It was nice to see the kids so. happily occupied outside on a beautiful day.

There was a guy (David) on a ladder replacing our 5 large attic vents with 'vulcan vents' which close to prevent embers temperature from getting into the attic if the temperature rises to ember producing levels.He put in 16 smaller ones in the foundation to keep embers from getting under the house.

Aurelio and Victor were back putting the new wood on the deck. Like setting tiles, some prior planning was needed to make sure the overall look was good with minimum sawing. I always enjoy watching people who are good at their work, whatever their craft.

I put a picture of their trucks lined up in the driveway in extras mainly to show the beautiful blue sky. A clear sky means colder temperatures and there was frost on the roof this morning, but it was worth putting on an extra jacket to get out in the bright, but not-so-warm sun.

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