Tywydd cyfnewidiol

Tywydd cyfnewidiol ~ Changeable weather

“What dreadful hot weather we have! – It keeps one in a continual state of inelegance.”
― Jane Austen

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Mae'r tywydd oer wedi dychwelyd - roedd rhew ar y pwll y bore 'ma.

Roedd Nor'dzin yn teimlo tipyn bach well heddiw, felly aethon ni allan i lawr i'r gored. Aethon ni ar ein beiciau oherwydd ei fod e'n rhy bell i Nor'dzin cerdded. Gwnaethon ni tynnu rhai o ffotograffau - rydyn ni'n ceisio'r ymarfer nesa yn y cwrs. Doedden ni ddim yn aros allan yn hir, ond roedd e'n dda gweld Nor'dzin allan, os dim ond am ychydig.

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The cold weather has returned - there was ice on the pond this morning.

Nor'dzin was feeling a little better today, so we went out down to the weir. We went on our bikes because it was too far for Nor'dzin to walk. We took some photographs - we are trying the next exercise in the course. We didn't stay out long, but it was good to see Nor'dzin out, if only for a little while.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gardd a welir trwy rew

Description (English): Garden seen through ice

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