
The latest in a long line of busy days. I walked in quite early as I was just sitting around at home frittering time away, so I thought I'd do that in the office instead ;-) 

Once I was in to meetings, it was a solid run, but generally all fine, although the three hour meeting this afternoon got a bit tedious after a while. I was going to attend in person, but when I went out with my laptop across Chambers Street, there was a fire alarm in Charles Stewart House and everyone was standing around outside. In view of the uncertainty, I went back across to my office and attended online instead, given that hybrid was on offer.

After work, a number of us converged in Indaba over in Tollcross for an excellent get together and meal. It was good to see NP, M and (no longer so little) N, as well as GK. I was able to give them a bit of very unofficial news from another part of our wider "family", which was a source of joy and pleasure to us. It was very good to get out of the box and meet with some friends. I think Mr A enjoyed it to. The door to door bus services from that part of town are also much appreciated.

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