Woody at Sundown

It's been a busy day, which began at Slimbridge where we bumped fortuitously into Bob and Sheila, who then came home with us to join us in a fish supper with Cheryl and Ivy. 

Ivy of course dominated the evening, and practiced both her ballet (playing to her own recorded performance on the piano) and her metal head'ing (with my electric mandolin)... life is never dull with an Ivy.

It's the night before the annual growing old disgracefully, and we've a lot to do before bedtime (ok, Janet has a lot to do) ;-) You'll therefore be happy, I hope, with a woodpecker on a peanut feeder. 

I liked this shot more because of the lovely muted backdrop, as the afternoon Sun settled down beyond the trees. Alternatively, there's Ivy and me being breadstick vampires...

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