Horror story

This is my new pan that I bought yesterday, isn't it lovely? I'm picky about pans but this one is heavy enough to be robust, but I can still work it one-handed. It has a lid that fits well so that's good too. Here I'm sweating the veg for a curry sauce - after sweating it for a while I boshed in some tomato puree, curry sauce and veg stock. Let that cook until the veg was falling and then let it cool a little before blitzing it in the food processor. Then I did something daft...

The blade of the food processor was covered in thick, gunky sauce so I ignored years of training and practice and dropped it in the sink where it sank below the sudsy water. Sure enough, a few moments later I put my hand in tthe water and sliced the back of my fingers. The cut on the ring-finger of my right hand is deep, and there was claret everywhere - it was like a cheap remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I finally staunched the flow and scrabbled around in the cupboard for some plasters - I think they date back to when I used to take the children camping, and we've not done that for at least 15 years. It isn't painful but I'm so annoyed at how daft it was. I've also added plasters to my shopping list - I've got three on and that's because two are holding the other one in place.

Thankfully all the cooking from there was easy and I've just enjoyed a bit of chicken with some curry sauce. 

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