Hanging By A Thread

I spent a bit of time in the garage this morning sorting the three wee boxes (in the extras). The (very annoying) bodies decided to shrink so the lids didn't fit. I wasn't going to make new lids so I enlarged the opening a fraction for the one with the Raspberry Jam wood lid and made a recess for a tin strip of leather which was left a fraction proud of the wood so that the slip on lids are a nice tight fit. 

After a coffee SWMBO and I had a wander up to the shop and dropped off all used coffee pods ... there is a company (Podback) that collects them and recycles the coffee, the plastic pods and the metal foil lids free of charge.

A bit more time was spent in the garage after lunch starting another Gonk and a bowl. I am not sure I like the way the bowl is going though so I left it on the lathe and will have a fresh look at it tomorrow.

Later on in the afternoon the heater timer decided not to work.
With a bee bit of jiggery pokery we got it going again, but I suspect I am going to have to change it fairly soon.

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