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Not what one would expect to see on a feeder!

Clocked as soon as I saw the feeder  but I ran to grab the camera anyway though he wasn't happy.

Whilst on the phone to mum I glanced out of the window and saw a beautiful starling murmuration and still talking grabbed a camera and went outside. The flock started small, then built up by degrees as other small flocks joined it. The light in the west went pink radiating colour across the sky but this didn't reach the ball of birds swooping, diving and climbing. Mesmerising yes for sure and I was all the time trying to describe it down the phone and then because I was outside the signal cut off. 

Poppy today is looking better than yesterday thankfully as I had fears for her, with her age in the equation too.

Tomorrow is another day and an exciting/challenging one at that with a 4am start. Not I fear exciting or challenging for anyone but people of likewise bent. 

And I now need to name the pheasant ...

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