Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The prompt for today was 'Musical' so I thought nature and the universe. :)

Ok, so I have a book for the LoveBlippin'Books blips, from my childhood that's accompanied me for many, many years.
I'm not sure when I was given this book, but it was first published in 1962, and it doesn't have an English title so I'll just translate the Swedish one : 'The unicorn´ and it's written by an Swedish/Finish author Irmelin Sandman Lilius. It's about a little girl and her doll and an adventure they go on. The little girl got a coral necklace from her mother and one day when she and her doll is out in the secret garden, by a little stream, she snaggs the necklace on a branch and it breaks. The corrals flies everywhere and when the little girl tries to find them, they are gone without a trace. She and her doll (who can speak, of course) meets a toad.... and from there there's an adventure to find the sea witch beach and a little unicorn. 
I've always loved this story and I still do. It's a short story, but well written and a joy to read. :) 

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