Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Happy 26th birthday Matthew

A little montage of pictures of Matthew and Anna and one of Avignon which is where he spent his birthday.

Hard to believe he is 26. I had 2 children at that age. Oh, and a 25 year mortgage with 22 years to run.

Had a bit of a panic yesterday when we opened his mail for him (he is in France). He had a letter from his insurer, Tesco to say that they were cancelling his car insurance policy on the 15th as he had failed to provide proof of his no claims discount. As it was the 15th when we opened the letter that implied he was driving around France uninsured.

Luckily I knew it had to be a mistake as he has only ever been insured with them, so if they want proof of his no claims they need only check their records. He called them today and got it sorted but the cheeky beggers only went on to try and sell him breakdown cover.

Starting to pick up small bits of my new role which is good, and I have two trips planned for June now, one to Oslo and one to Grenoble. Hopefully both will provide me with some photo opportunities. It's slim pickings around here these days - might be forced to don THE outfit tomorrow for a self portrait :-)

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