If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Colinton Tunnel.

With Kat home, our duties as cat sitters were over so we headed home.  Having the whole day ahead of us and no rush we decided to visit Colinton Tunnel.  Clickychick had wanted to see it since she had seen some shots on blip.

We found parking easily, the internet write up had said "a small amount of parking", it seemed quite a lot to me, I had expected only a couple or so of spaces.  Fortunately, it was dry for the short walk to the tunnel.  What an eye opener, lots and lots of work must have gone into its production.

Taking shots in the tunnel was a bit of a challenge.  I knew by the ISO I was having to use the shots would by very noisy.  I brought the ISO down a little and manage this shot.  The presence of the figure gives some idea of scale.

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