If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Male Goldeneye ( Bucephala clangula )

Our first aim was a coastal walk on Duridge Bay, so we headed for the Duridge Bay Country Park.  The visit began as usual, with coffee in their cosy cafe.  Then we headed for the beach.  As we came over the dunes we were nearly blown off our feet.  Undeterred we made our way to the beach hoping/expecting to be able to watch waders foraging along the tide line.  

No chance!  Any bird daft enough to go down there would have been blown away.  The only moving things were dog walkers and their charges.  I suppose they have to be out in all weathers.  We turned tail and headed back to Hauxley, where there are hides to shelter in and paths with bushes on each side slowing the wind.

The count of species wasn't as great as yesterday's.  Still an enjoyable visit with lunch in the cafe.  I chose this shot of the Goldeneye as they are a bird that reminds me of my time volunteering on the Insh Marsh Reserve in the 70s.  Then Goldeneye weren't seen much further south.  Now they winter well into England and the 207-11 Atlas shows even possible breeding attempts down as far as the south coast.

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