Morning has broken...

So many days of gray, gray, gray... and then? A hint of colour in the early morning sky! OMG...Right now! Action! Put down your coffee, get off your butt, put on your parka, boots, hat, mitts and scarf and head out in 
minus 14C  to see your first sunrise in ages! 

Which I did...except ...I didn't actually see the sun "rise"...I hurried back to the car before it finally got above the cloud; it was way too cold for hanging about... but then, I turned back...

I have many photos of sunrises taken at that same spot on the beach and in the past, I have often just happened to catch a silhouette of a couple of figures with a dog in the distance. Which was neat. I now realize that it is always the same couple. They seem to go down there every day at the same time - a bit later than I do, just as the sun is about to come up, and just as I am about to leave. Being such a bitterly cold morning, I did not expect to see anyone..and didn't...until, just as I was leaving, there they were...the couple all bundled up, heading for the beach..the dog - a beautiful Rottweiler - visibly anxious to get down to the water... and voila!  a reason to turn around, despite the cold, and wait for that silhouette-in-the-sunrise shot.. 

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