Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

A lot of balls the air! (I bet you thought I was going somewhere else with this, didn't you?)

I spent several totally enjoyable hours in the best city on earth this afternoon, followed by a few hours of hard work with my facial therapist, followed by a great dinner and wine at a Turkish restaurant on 2nd Avenue. A good day!

This was taken in Bryant Park this afternoon - this guy was just sitting in the sun, practicing his juggling. I took about a dozen shots of him and randomly picked this one because I liked it. That's the best criteria, isn't it? I also spent quite a lot of time in Grand Central Stn taking shots - got some interesting ones and will post them to Flickr tomorrow or Saturday, once I'm settled back at home in NJ.

My plan is to get up early tomorrow and head up to Central Park for a few hours. Should be some interesting things to photograph. Then planning to catch a bus back to NJ in the early afternoon. The trip home is about 2 hours, but I can probably get a quick snooze on the bus...

Hope you've all had a great Thursday!

Debbi, signing off from NYC

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