Digital Painting & photos of Midnight...

Nighttime wildlife camera...
Cat Merlin's busy night ...
Cats Midnight, Amy, and Jade, and fox Foxy Loxy.
And Merlin saw something to chase...but it was offscreen...

Creative in Procreate...
Both Jade and Midnight present somewhere.
The moon is still bright in my garden, but I still see no foxes or badgers looking out my all glass bedroom door at night...nighttime camera tells me otherwise...

Have your best day...

A cuppa now required...

A wee extra.
Midnight in first extra...
This is how he guards me all night..
Second two extras...he either sits on my arm, or holds it with two paws to stop me working...

These photos are absolutely amazing. Because there's something I haven't told you yet about Midnight. Shortly after Christmas he fell ill with a respiratory infection.

The vet was very doubtful Midnight would pull through, because of him being a stray cat, possibly being on the road so to speak for length of time without proper care and nutrition, and of an indeterminate age. The vet thought Midnight was about 15 years old, and the vet thought it would be kinder to put him sleep.

By the time I finished with that vet, I walked out with antibiotics for Midnight and brought him home. But over the following days, I thought the vet was right and I had done the wrong thing. Midnight would not eat, he would not drink, who was unable to toilet, and he could not even stand on his own. He had given up the will to live, his eyes were slits of red.

I lay beside Midnight hour after hour on the couch, and I had a rag which I soaked in water, and I was just drip feeding water into his mouth, and I was massaging him and taking him to a puppy training pad.

Finally, after many days, I gave up, concluded the vet was right. I went to bed and I cried. Later that night, I felt something pull himself onto my bed. It was Midnight, his eyes were clear and bright, he was on the mend. He wanted some wet food...

That vet was wrong. I was right.

Midnight has been building up his strength. And as soon as he was able to get outside, he wouldn't use the puppy training pad any more.

Midnight lost nearly half his original weight. He was an over large cat, and I have no idea why that happened in the first place. He's still a large cat and he's put back on a little bit of weight and muscle, but he is much more agile and he can jump quite high now, and he looks the healthiest he has ever been.

He does still go outside at night time, but not in the way he used to, and he prefers to be by my side on my lap, and hugging my arm thus stopping me from working.

He will not leave me when I go to bed until I fall sleep and when he thinks I am asleep, I can feel him sneaking off the bed to go and have a look at his outside nighttime domain and then very shortly he comes back in again. And I can't get back to sleep until he comes back in again, but I don't have to wait long.

I thought it was about time that you knew all this. I could not have told you at the time, because emotionally I could not have dealt with it, or talked about it. It's hard to talk about it even now.

I am so grateful that he is okay and fit and healthy.

Since the vet thought, he was about 15 years old, and because he appeared end of April and my first photograph of him was beginning of May 2022, I am going to make May 1st his birthday. And I will say that Midnight will be 15 years old on May 1, 2023.

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