A Day In The Life

By Irish59


I have the greatest English writer of all time to thank for the flock of European Starlings that descend on my suet and mealworm feeders to gobble everything in sight. I don’t mind one or two, or even four, but they gather in tens and twenties, then swoop in like maniacal vultures with their flapping wings and gnashing beaks, not wanting to share a morsel, not even with their own kind • Their iridescent winter plumage is so striking, too • Why Shakespeare, you ask? Well, all starlings can be traced back to an original ten that were purposely released in Central Park, NY in the 1890s by a group of loyal William fans who wanted every bird he had ever written about to live in America… • I particularly like this image because the starling looks menacing, a wicked Dark Knight in his gold speckled cape, taking whatever he wants because he assumes it’s his to take! • A dash of Poe with your Shakespeare on this Friday afternoon :) • Happy Weekend!

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