By lizzie_birkett

Seen in Hebden Bridge - Hope it doesn’t offend…

Well, Bella loves her new bed now and has snoozed all day in it.
Frank got an email from the passport office this morning to say the photo he had emailed them was not good enough as it looked edited :-D))
I said lets go to Tesco and get a proper one done. Which we did and it was so easy. The photos come out with a code which you then send to the passport office. Hopefully they send it out soon!
On the way back we popped to the garden centre for seed potatoes and I bought 2 Hellebore plant to replace the one that hasn’t come back this year. 
After lunch I phoned Sue for a natter, then took Bella walkies. Frank was out playing music with his friends. 
Later, I went to see my friend Angie who just got a little rescue dog from Romania. She’s a cute wee black dog with short legs and one floppy ear. I forgot to take a photo I do have one from before she arrived. Her name is Hattie and she is very friendly. She arrived last Friday at 4am in a van with other dogs and cats.
They are treated very well on the long journey. She has really made herself at home already.
We had a takeaway for tea. The man delivers it from Bradford but this was the last time he does it. He runs a company that makes Vegan Thali (a platter of lots of mixed dishes) and they are outside caterers for big events, festivals and weddings but during the pandemic they changed to home delivery to keep the business going. Now they can go back to outside catering. The food is delicious and includes starters, mains and Indian rice pudding. His Mum and wife do the cooking and he delivered to a different postcode each day.

Time for book and bedtime!
Goodnight :-)X

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