Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

One among many

The snowdrops in Humshaugh churchyard are at their best right now. I partly packed my camera bag and added the tripod, just to give me the feel of the weight ready for next week! 

First stop was Margret's garden (next door) where aconites and snowdrops are growing happily together and look lovely.

In the churchyard the snowdrops amongst the graves have proliferated since last year. 

I took this shot to emphasise one flower. I have been thinking, and trying to to think, about the earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria. Once the numbers become enormous, it is too hard to take in. Often it is one story that concentrates the mind. That baby, being pulled from the rubble, an orphan at birth, is one such.

I am also very disturbed by the demonstration outside a hotel for asylum seekers in Knowsley. What must they think of us? How can we stop this happening again? I'm sure that we need a better way and kinder way to process (awful word) people who have arrived here. How can I avoid being a spectator and therefore complicit?

I have been watching How the Holocaust Began"  on BBC iPlayer. I knew that my knowledge was sketchy, but this made me realise how little I knew. The start of mass killings in Lithuania and then the realisation that a "better" than shooting was required, because Soviet troops were traumatised, was all news to me. Do watch it is you can.

I understand that the other new Holocaust documentaries on BBC are also excellent.

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