Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Meeting a Roman soldier

Well, I do live near to Hadrian's Wall Trail, so it is no big surprise when I see a Roman soldier wandering about. I was in my car, on my way to shop in Hexham, when I spotted him. I took a sharp turn left into the car park of the George Hotel and accosted him!!

He is walking the Wall as part of a promotion of Hadrian 1900, a year long festival celebrating the building of Hadrian's Wall. Our Walking Festival is taking part, with a few Wall themed walks.

A good bit of networking was done in the car park and mutual publicity will ensue.

It was lovely and sunny, although cold in Hexham. I found that everything was on a go slow. I had to wait in the bank because the cash machine was out of coins. In Boots, the people ahead of me all had jolly conversations at the cash desk.

There was a queue at the vegetable stall. It was good to be out in the fresh air.

I went to M & S to stock up on suitable meals for Mum for when I go away. I had been warned about the new parking machine and the charges, so I had downloaded the app. There were queues of bewildered people trying to understand why they could not just put 50p in the slot as previously. Now you had to enter your registration number - necessitating a trip back to the car with pencil and paper - then you use your credit or debit card to pay. The ticket is not left in the car. You take it into M & S to get your refund. If you pay by the app, there is no refund. Grrr!

Maureen was here first thing to help Mum, then she stayed on for an embroidery lesson. The other Marjorie came this afternoon. We were chatting away when Mum reminded me I was due somewhere else to take photos. Argh.

The screw had disappeared from the L plate I use with the tripod. I did find it. Then I spent two very interesting hours photographing a piece of furniture for Ian who is a specialist in antique bedroom furniture. The storage room was bitterly cold, but that did not deter Otis, the cat, who wanted to be the centre of attention. (See extra.) He is high on the canopy of a four poster bed!

The very best composition of Otis was out of focus. I quickly put the camera to Automatic in case Otis moved, but my usual spot focus in Manual would have been much better. Not happy and not showing it.

I still haven't found the spray to clean the rollers of the printer. Two prints done and 4 to go. A major search will be called tomorrow morning.

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