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Woke at about the time we were warned that the rain and winds would be heavy and strong. All was quiet and I returned to sleep. The advice remained unaltered; atay at home if at all possible. So I rang in and said I could work from home, and see those booked in to see me by ZOOM. They decided to cancel the appointments. 

The east and north of Tamaki Makarau/Auckland have been subject to the winds and rain, and even as I write this, here the rain has been persistent but gentle. Occasional strong puffs of wind, but very brief.

Our one bit of hardly excitement, more a nuisance, was a burst water main less than 200 m from here. All fixed well within the five hours that they aim to not exceed. We are being warned that there is still the potential for a sting in the tail of this storm.

Sad news this afternoon about one of my oldest friends (in terms of duration). 

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