Hiding In The Hedge

... and has been for several days - so I took a picture of it.

I got a phone call from the hospital today ... the consultant I was due to see at 2pm has Covid so wouldn't be in the office. 
Would it be okay if she did a phone consultation from home?
Oh yes! - that will be just fine ............ no having to try and find a parking space at the hospital -- or the Out Patients Dept that isn't actually listed on the hospital website or map.

When I got the phone call it all went very well - she confirmed that my CT scan was all clear with no sign of 'age related brain shrinkage' etc. She also told me that I had got 93 out of the possible100 in my memory test and wasn't worried about me taking time to answer some of the tests ... it is not a speed test apparently.
It was suggested that I could get a call back in 6 months or so and do another test as a comparison. She was also delighted that I had done the weeks blood pressure testing and it had dropped back to normal levels. She agrees that the high pressure was probably caused be 'White Coat Syndrome' and stress.

I celebrated by making two arms, a pitchfork and a firebrand for one of the Gonks.

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