
By CreativeCarol

Ribbons Galore!

Today's May Heartfreek Challegne is "Ribbons".. As you can see I don't lack having a selection of ribbons. I won't say I have an obsession with ribbons, but I do love to use ribbons.

Here are Ten ways I have used my ribbons recently:
10. Tied on a finger as a reminder to do something
9. Used a ribbon as great finish on a wrapped gift
8. Made a belt for my granddaughter's pants
7. Created a bookmark
6. Luggage identification
5. Used ribbons as decorative touch on picture frames
4. Made a Fun Funky Bracelet
3 Shoelaces in a pinch
2. decorated handmade cards
1. Garland for a Christmas Tree

Now I just need a little more time to be creative with what I have before I buy more ribbon!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I so do appreciate all the kind words and stars for my Egret blip!

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