Going, going, gone ...

We seem to have lost almost all of the many daffodils we’ve planted in the garden over the years, and I have no idea why. I shall make sure to plant some more bulbs this autumn, but in the meantime I’m delighted to see that the exception is the clumps of tête à têtes in our front lawn, which have all survived and have just started coming into flower. I picked a few to make up a posy with the last of the snowdrops, and am enjoying seeing them on the window sill in the kitchen when I do the washing up.

I’m using this month of February to continue (and hopefully complete) the mammoth task of clearing the house of everything that we don’t either need or want, and repeating the moth proofing routine (which seems to be paying dividends). Hopefully we will then be able to enjoy the spring and get out more, knowing we’ve done our spring cleaning in advance!

I have been through the wardrobe in our spare bedroom (and one in the attic), checked everything for moths (all OK, phew!) and tried some clothes on that I’ve had for quite a long time. A very long time, in fact! I’m pleased to say that most still fitted me but I have sent a few to the charity shop which I no longer need. It’s really cathartic to get all this done, and I’m feeling better already for having done it.

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