Shaking Sticks

This is Sticks. He's a German Shepherd and is a bundle of nervous energy.

In a fit of impulsiveness this morning, I texted K to see if she wanted to come down to the beach with Cousteau and me. She is from Canada and we were both lamenting the other day that we don't have many people to speak French to.

We spoke half and half this morning. The dogs got along pretty well with just a few fisty cuffs that Cousteau somehow seemed to win despite his smaller stature and less scary face!

After that, I met up with N for bite to eat and a coffee. I'm looking after her wee girl this evening. It's been a while since I last babysat but I've got a DVD and some food so I'm sure we'll have a great time.

Frantically sorting stuff at the moment and making tea and making bread and packing an overnight bag to go and stay over after my babysitting stint. Cousteau is, of course, sleeping over too. Not sure about the sleeping arrangements at the moment, but we'll work something out.

No melt downs today, so that's a bonus.


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