Shell we make a wish?


Having spent many a February break in Cornwall with Bob and Sheila we often ponder what to do that we've not done before. "Let's go to Flushing", someone cried, and so we did. 

Flushing is across the Penryn estuary from Falmouth and the shoreline view is filled from edge to edge with Falmouth and with assorted ships; naval, merchant and leisure. 

Some very fine and no doubt expensive houses too, and wherever we walked we seemed to encounter builders and decorators playing their out of season trades. In one street every single house was being refurbished!

On the easily overlooked shoreline there was a tree that was clearly favoured by local walkers and was hung with hundreds of holed shells. 

As someone who acknowledged spirits of place it was a fine encounter, and we all placed our tributes before walking on.

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