A reading day

I've had a satisfactory reading day, finishing The Greek Revolution and starting Toy Fights. I bought the latter book because of the linked review, and the former book was given to me before Christmas by L. Given how substantial it is, I'm actually quite proud of myself for finishing it before the end of February. In contrast, I don't think Toy Fights will last too long. I'm already gobbling it down, as I often do with memoirs.

I feel strangely disinterested in fiction at the moment. History and memoirs do it for me at the moment.

Other than that, on the history and memoir front, Mr A and I talked quite a bit about a holiday we took nearly 19 years ago. And I did quite a substantial peloton workout and was pleased with the result. I thought about going out for a walk, but decided I'd rather stay at home reading. After all, that was what Mr A was doing. He read an entire book today. We must have reading sickness. Finally, I planted up the primroses I bought at the supermarket yesterday as balcony insta-colour and brought a few more dwarf narcissi in to adorn the pesto jar. And that's about it. Quite a relaxing weekend, and much needed.

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