Following my one orchid flower that I used for Abstract Thursday last week, more flowers have come out since and it is looking really pretty on my windowsill.  It’s been a grey and cold day today, so I need something to cheer me up and this does the trick.

This afternoon, Mr. HCB and I visited two elderly members of our congregation who live in two different care homes and gave them Holy Communion - they were both pleased to see us and thanked us for going.  What a privilege to be able to share this special service with those who are no longer able to come to Church - and we even sang a hymn afterwards.  We had no words, but both of them knew the hymns by heart and could sing from memory - so what a joy that was!

One of the hymns we sang with J, who used to play the organ at our Church, was “Blessed Assurance” - so I decided to find out more about Fanny J. Crosby, who wrote the words with Phoebe Knapp composing the music.

I discovered, courtesy of Mr. Google that:

“Frances Jane van Alstyne, more commonly known as Fanny J. Crosby, was an American mission worker, poet, lyricist, and composer, who lived from 1820-1915.  She is widely regarded as “the most prolific and significant writer of gospel songs in American History.”  In her prime, she would write as many as 7  hymns per day and is thought to have penned more than 8,000 in her lifetime.

What you may not know about Fanny is that she lost her eyesight as a baby and spent her entire life in the dark.

Apparently, Fanny Crosby wrote more than 1,000 secular poems, published four books of poetry, and authored two best-selling autobiographies.  She was an eloquent speaker and passionate about many political issues of her time and was the first woman to speak in the United States Senate.”  

What a woman and a wonderful example Fanny J. Crosby must have been to so many people - if you want to read more of her story, you can find it here.

“This is my story, this is my song
     Praising my Saviour all the day long,
This is my story, this is my song,
     Praising my Saviour all the day long.”
Fanny J. Crosby

P.S.  When Fanny was interviewed by a young reporter at the age of 88, she shared these uplifting thoughts with him - what a different world this would be if we all lived like this!

” Two of my secrets for staying happy and healthy are to control my tongue and to control my thoughts.  I never want to say an unkind word.  I never want to think an unkind thought. If you find anyone happier than I am, I want you to show him to me.  My cup of happiness is full to overflowing.”

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