The End of the Road ?

This morning I was in Scunthorpe for a roadshow presentation for work. I left the driving to Vince one of our drivers  so while at some traffic lights I took a shot on my mobile of the Chinese British steel works there which is sadly on the decline with part of the plant been shut down.
This afternoon I was back at the branch to allow some of my other colleagues to go to the presentation .
On the way back I received a phone call to say one of the lorries had broken down. The garage sent someone to try  to sort it out but they was unable to fix it so it would have to go to the garage.
The recovery of the lorry dragged on and on , once it was recovered it had to come back to the yard to be unloaded  before then been towed to the garage to get repaired . The breakdown truck finally arrive around 5 - 6 hours later which left me at the depot waiting . The driver and the lorry finally arrived back at 9.15 this evening meaning it was a very late night see extra shot of it arriving back  with its full load on which I then offloaded and put it safely in the shed . Pleased to say that part only took 10 minutes and by 9.30  ( 14 hours after starting work )  I was locking up to head home to grab some tea/supper and watch this evenings rugby which thankfully was recording for Julie to watch in the morning .
Its now just gone midnight so best get off to bed  as I need to be up at 6.00 

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