
It’s been great spending time in Brussels with my work friend Kate, who is also based in Tanzania but in a different office. After work we were strolling the streets, walked in front of this bakery, locked eyes, and two seconds later we were inside salivating over the display of cramique (or kramiek if you’re Flemish). The cramique seems to be variously categorised as brioche, scone or sweet loaf. All we can say is that they are delicious devoured in five seconds out of a paper bag on a cobbled street in Brussels.

I stocked up on medicines to battle my chest infection. Browsing pharmacy shelves in Belgium requires more concentration than you might think, but I put it down to an apparent refusal to allow garish brands to dominate shelves. It does mean I am not entirely sure what I have bought, my French skills having reached their zenith during my A Levels in 2001.

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